Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A HUGE stepping stone.

Going into the 3rd week of my job, with the endless suffering and brags, I quit. It really has been different for me. Everything practically changed, while I was in ME. I had no time to myself even, because I was busy thinking how to manage myself at work. Blablabla. And even after I quit, I feel that I've spent most of my time, at home. What has happened to me? Let's not talk about ME anymore. Because they suck. Thanks to Ananthi for the opportunity, and fuck you Max, for making me feel like that. I wish, I had wasted more time. Boo!

I might have mentioned to some of my friends, that I feel awkward, hanging out now. Regardless of with who, I feel like I can't be comfortable anymore. Hopefully, this phase of shit, will soon pass.

The bright side to all of these, thanks to Sally, I've got another interview. And hell, it was as brief and as short as it could be. I think it only took about 10 minutes. But hey, atleast something, huh?

I have been wondering, ever since I was a suspect for the dengue fever, everything became weird. (With ME stuck in my everyday like as well.) Me and my friends, me staying home, my food consumption and other neccessary supplements. The course have changed. I haven't felt satisfied ever since. Everything I eat, is just like another thing I put in my mouth for the sake of it. What the hell is going on?

I have to note, that my dreams of going to Holland is now crushed. I need to marry a rich man to be able to achieve my dreams, going everywhere in the world and live luxuriously. Since, I quit my job. And so, this tiny dream is even more of a dream when I was told to browse http://www.efteling.com/home.aspx?LanguageId=2 It would be one of those, unreachable dreams. *sobs* But, I will, one day. One fine day, I will go there. Which adds up to the places I have to go before I die. Haha.

Notice how my entry is going haywire? It's because I really don't know what I wrote, and currently writing about. Yup. I'm a little bit lost myself. Due to what I have mentioned earlier. Make sense? Oh God. I'm probably a little bit . . . . . .

Food and Fone!

It certainly has been quite a number of days since I updated the blog. No, I have not been starving myself. Eating has continued as normal, more or less.

Had a twin tenderloin steak (well done) with a glass of wine last night @ Eden in celebration of my parents 30th Wedding Anniversary. That didn't go without a hitch though; was insisting that I should go home first before the dinner to freshen up by Stace refused. That ended with us having a blazing row in front of Subang Parade and me walking off to get a cab.

(Trust Kak Ani to pull a stunt like that. But I had my reasons. And they become more valid everyday.)

To tell you the truth it wasn't all that great. Wrigleys should take note though - kalah chewing gum their beef. Serious. But I finished it anyhows. Downed a glass of wine and scuttled off to get cracking on my next article.

Today started off with a tuna sandwich and my cuppa coffee. And then the amazing Sarimas nasi lemak. I swear... they have fine tuned their sambal recipe to perfection. Pedas but schweet. Had two servings; the second helping was served after the monthly GT (get together). Not to forget, my fav Maggi Cup - le TomYam flavor! Which, incidentally, was given to me by my Head (a six pack) as a cute welcome aboard gift! Thanks Doc B!! :) She knows how I love my food :)

I received a call from my Dad earlier on in the afternoon bearing wonderful news. What was it? Aaahhh... evidently he was @ a phone shop and decided to get a new phone for me! Inititally he asked whether I wanted the same model as what Stace purchased a month back (a Samsung something), but I requested for a slidey-type Nokia (so user-friendly). After many phone calls and a quick browse through Nokia.com, I settled on the Nokia 6300. Beautifullllll! So here I am blogging away whilst casting adoring glances at my new phone :) So pretty. Think I'll name it Kak Ani.
Hah! Mira just texted! Figures that she was the first person I texted and the first message I received. (Am trying to figure out why that sentence sounds so weird but really couldn't be bothered to think and rewrite.)
Anyhows, feel a bit sick-ish. Think I shall stop here and GelCream. Bed looks sooo invitinggg....

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Training : )

What is the number of 'formal training' days that your company sent you for the past one year?

Log on to www.mim.org.my to cast your votes.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"I'm All For Haram!"

Quote Unquote. Stacey Westerhout 2007.

Gotta love my sister for coming up with snazzy little sentences like that. Then again, she always had the knack for it. Gets me into fits of laughter all the time!

Reminds me of the times back in Coventry (and even before that in KL) where it would always be me being mean and giggling over every little silly thing she comes up with. I used to go to the extent of texting my cousin Lisa to keep her updated!

Got some great news today. The CEO actually commented that he enjoyed the article I had a hand in writing (of course, it being my first GW article for the paper it was edited and touched up by my superiors). He actually came by and told me himself, after he mentioned it at the weekly management meeting. That certainly lifted my spirits.

Result of that being an 8th of August deadline for the next article. Lets see how well I fare this time around!

Moving on to the food side of things, lets see what I had today -

1. Black Pepper Sausage and mayo sandwiches in the morning + coffee + water
2. A handful of Chickadees courtesy of Sarina
3. A serving of fried penne pasta + half of Stace's portion + 100 Plus
4. A small bar of Cadbury Hazel Nut (any chocolate with nuts is always gooooood)
5. Love Letters (strawberry flavour) + Guiness Malta (love this shit! Used to drink litres when I was younger)
6. Rice with fried pumpkin + fried egg + chicken ball curry + water

Its all over the papers that the missing Nuri helicopter has been found. Unfortunately all the crew had perished in the crash. And I just watched the news on TV3 and it mentioned something bout someone sending a letter to the higher authorities to replace those dinosaurs before it claims more lives. Surprising that they haven't, seeing that there were 38 crashes (prior to this) in a number of years!
Condolences to the families of those who perished.

Monday, July 16, 2007

A post to thank them, for the peace of mind they so unreservedly offered. :)

You have your reasons, or maybe you don't
You chose your steps so very carefully to cast me off
Thank you for the amount of thought
Thank you for the time spent
Thank you for making it worth your time
Never knew you were stuck on a rung beneath mine :)

But then again...

That is you, the person you are
Whatever that may be...

Go on with your lives while I pause for awhile...
I may seem like a failure but at least I don't stop tryin'
Admittedly its rather entertaining
But as all great things come to an end
So this begins :)

Friday, July 13, 2007


Haha, I realized that this blog is more and more becoming a blog rather than just about food. It's cool, still plays the title. I haven't jot down what I had in a while, already. But for today, here goes!

I had 2 HUGE bowls of Mee Soup (which might be divided into a 4 servings?) and Butter Prawn Fried Rice in Square and a Corn-Beef Sandwich with Cheese. Haha. Quite good, huh?

Well, this is the cause of really wanting to know if the grass was greener on the other side. Ahaha. The irony of this is that, after writing about it earlier, and being at a DVD shop buying DVDs to layan, I came across the series Weed Season One and the back description said about the grass is greener on the other side. Apparently, it smells much better too! Haha.

And all this happened, because Harry Potter in CineLeisure was sold out, and bumping into Fizul and Alis along the way. Naggys should never see one another. Burning desires will pop up. In the end, they weren't there to munch it out with us.

Anywho, in CineLeisure, we came across this shop with full of T-shirts, and there are a couple cool ones, that reads, "Remind me again why I need a boyfriend" and "Tell your boyfriend I said Thanks!" Haha. Neat, right? And I was talking about Naggy, and wanted to have jerseys made. I get number 7! Thanks. Haha!

Hah, and another might I add. I've been emo lately, because I think it's time. And apart from reminiscing the past, and seeing the past more than once this week. Twice I see the fucker, the Chingy and the friend of the ex. Hah, and the best part about friend of the ex, who I have the farthest relationship with, is a mad biatch who doesn't know how to drive. She was just trying to play around with me, and in the end, the little girl is only a P driver. And, to think that she recognized me, and wanted to piss me off. Well, atleast I know that I was the heroine in the drama that happened, unlike you, the outside influence who brainwashed a poor little tudung girl. But hey, I've got to say, it was a good piss, like the ones you do it in a toilet. What a relief!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

2002, was it?

Here I am again, got myself addicted to AstroMUD, AGAIN, for the, 19862th time in my life. Before it gets dangerous, I have to stop somewhere. But my remort quest is on the way. Yes, I'm hooked with this. And how do I know this? Because it has been 2 days, that I stayed home, and was engaging myself in this game! Because a guy from Netherlands helped me out. And he said he wants to marry me because it is cheap to live in Malaysia. Haha. He's a hero. Wait, I mean heroine. Hehe. Oh well, and through out the night, the heroes and heroines got me equipped with great equipment and I think I'm all set for my quest! Haha. So basically, today, I got lost, got killed by Jupiter in the Fourth Dimension, reached level 50, requested for my 2nd remort and not naked anymore, even a little bit. And so, to get myself prepared, I tried asking around for the AstroMUD direction file, so it would be easier for me. And came across their website, and saw my profile. Haha. I think that was edited in 2002 or so. Hence the title of this entry. Haha. And it was so long ago, that I was actually married to Legolas. I have a very blur memory of him. But it must have been good. I think I married lots of them. And I remember marrying Brad too. And he's still around. Hooray! Check out, http://www.astromud.com/index.php?subnav=players&which=info&index=Myrz&Go=+Find+

Talking about this game, I met someone, whom I know IRL (in real life). And I didn't know it was him. Ironic isn't it? It's Jo Han from college, we were classmates. And only started talking IRL because we met on Astro. Weird huh? Oh, I need to go to the supermarket, and buy a nametag that says, "Hi, I'm a nerd. Will you be my friend?" God, what a nerd I'm turning into. Hoh! But then, with this trait of mine, I shall be eligible to join the Geekz! Haha. I'm no hacker, though I wish to be one, but hey, I play a text based game without graphics. That must be WEIRD.

Anywho, I went for my 2nd interview today in Marcus Evans. And it sucked real bad. Really bad, I wanted to turn to my naggy self. And in the end I didn't. And, fortunately, I am given another chance, so I am to go through their training and sit for their exam next week. Training starts at 9.30am till 5.30pm from Monday till Wednesday, and if I get through the exam on Wednesday, I start immediately on Thursday. Isn't that great? And all I thought was that, takde jodoh to work with them, and wanted to sedapkan hati, I said to myself that if I don't get this job, means I am suppose to try harder with KRU. Hehe.

And correction! It is not Khairil, it is Khalil. K H A L I L. Thanks. Hehe. There is no updates in the K sector, though I see below, there's been progress with the R sector. Work it Naggy 1. Work it!

*Correction!* It ain't Naggy 2, it's Naggy 7.

Naggy 7 to Naggy 1, the grass should be greener on the other side. I shall wait till I get to the other side. Please spread the news, all naggys are required to attend this roadtrip to the otherside. Thank you. Over and out.

PS: Naggy 7 is wondering what will all the naggys, potential naggys, friends of naggys, potential flirts for naggys will do in the week of the 7th of August. ;)

The week... so far!

Let's start off by listing everything I ate (seeing that it is a food blog to begin with lol)

1. Rice + beef rendang + fried brinjals + fried egg.
2. 6 mini fried popiahs + 10 mini sandwiches + a small saucer of fried meehoon + 2 1901 doggies :)
3. (dramatically pauses before the heart attack sets in) stew + rice + egg
4. countless of sandwiches (homemade sausage and mayo, bacon + mayo, egg + mayo)
5. 6 bowls of kokokrunch + milk!!
6. nasi lemak packets. can't remember how many.
7. lasagna (bout 3 helpings or so)
8. think I had a quiche from Delifrance as well... can't remember whether tht was last week ke this week? LOL!

No wonder I'm fat-ish. Geez.

Now that i'm done with the food side of it...

Am not... I sense another bowl of KoKoKrunch. Hrmm... KKK. I'm not racist k.

On a brighter note, at the very least there seems to be improvement in the R sector. There was actually a bit of conversation going on today! Too cute lah that one.

Workwise, nothing much to talk about. Just that, the general feeling of happiness is there lah.. I don't dread waking up for work, and I actually look forward to it! (R sector alert) Which was the only thing that was missing from the previous job I was in. That was hell. And from what I've heard, it still is.

Thanks Karan, Nabila, Ivan, Syamin and Stace for listening to me going on and on about... *you know lah kan*

Til tomorrow then...


Congrats to MIRA who thought she did badly for her second interview today at M.E. Evidently someone managed to get through to the 3rd interview!


Naggy 1 to naggys all over the world. Abstain and thou shall not suffer from brain freeze.

Naggy 1 to naggy 2. Green on hold til next Wednesday k.

Karaoke this saturday @ News Ampang 3pm.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


Hrm, with the help of TAB button, I was able to put a title to this entry. It was either IE or the Blog, I think someone doesn't want my entry to have a title. Ya ya. Whatever.

Having to read back the exciting entries written by our other writer, aku rasa tercabar. Haha! Neh. I'm just quite excited now. Yes, it is 7.36am in the morning.

Lets review somethings. The cigarette price has gone up to a RM8.20 for a pack of 20s. The government really want us to smoke something else more worthit rather than expensive cigarettes. That's the way to go Malaysia! Malaysia boleh!

I was so bored earlier, since Barry decided to go to bed early (yes, working man). And I got caught up, all over again, with Astro MUD, and met back with Brad, my long lost friend from MUD. I remember, recently I talked to Darkness (can't remember his name), and he definitely has forgotten who I am, and introduced me to a new MUD server. But I guess, I'm just too familiar with Astro, and have been playing there for the longest time and I think they wiped for so many times. But after that long, thank god, the character that I've been saving was still around, my remort. Phew. But what got me excited was that, Brad actually remembers me, and I got his new MSN id. Woot! Okay, the clan I'm in, DusK, is quite dead now. And one of the former leader just left the clan and went to somewhere else. And none of the DusKians always online anyway. But hey, I'd rather be in any clan rather than not. Atleast there's a family. Haha! But whatever it is, today, a HEROINE actually talked to me. Not sure if it's a he or a she, but she was supposedly a female nicked Athena. You know how these games are, male, female, girly nicks, macho tricks, whatever. In the end, IRL, it's different. Well, we chatted a bit, and she is from Netherlands. Wow. Ok la. Enough about that.

Continuation to the connection with the title. On the 6th of July, it was Fizul's 27th birthday. Somewhat, brother. And Ijam's 26th birthday. Nope, not brother. And Ain's 20th birthday, my niece. And on the 7th, it was my brother's birthday, who actually dropped the keys in the longkang just hours ago. Haha. Well, happy birthday guys!

Yes, on Fizul's birthday eve, we had a celebration, somewhat. He had a show in Laundry, and the OAG family got pissed drunk. I wasn't. :P Correction on my earlier verbal declaration, I do it on occasions. And yea, I think I should stop smoking too!

And on my brother's birthday, Dad bought us good food, it was steaks. That's how we do it. We don't go out, but we bring it home. And yes, I had the RIB EYE. And it was marvellous. And mind you, before that steak, I had 2 bowls of Kuey Teow/Mee Hoon Soup. Ahaha. And of course, not forgetting the things I had at Ezra's, yes, 2 packets of Peanut Butter Biscuits, 2 pieces of McD Chicken, 1 piece of Nugget (Ezra finished the rest of the 9 pieces, yes), large Coke, soggy Fries, and 1 nice melted Chocolate Sundae. And yes, I got home, and went through the non-sleeping sickness, and in the morning, (not caring of the time), ate the left over of Mother's 3/4 steak, and the rest of the thing that comes with the steak. Yups. The meat now are rotting in my bowel.

Regardless of that, after knowing the existance of this Koko Crunch, god-damnit! I want some! And yes, I still do have space for those. Because yesterday, I only had 3 pieces of KFC chicken and some mashies. (I think, can't remember!!)

And whatever it is, I shall go get some rest now. I shall continue my food fest later. (Must ask Mom to buy Koko Krunch!) And probably do some sneaking in, during our conquest for Transformers on IMAX in Berjaya Times Square. Come guys, let's go crazy!

Oh ya! And I have an interview tomorrow with Marcus Evans. They sound like quite a good company, and I love their working days and hours. And the seem to promise some good money! Apparently there is going to be 4 interviews. 1, through the phone, and the rest, real interviews. I'm scared, cause, through the phone, it was quite, WTF, cause I laughed, she laughed, and I was babbling, and most of the time, I said "I don't know" or "That's just it" But wish me luck, ANYWAY. I need a job. Eventhough I really really really want to work with KRU. Argh. Till then. Adios muchachos nachos libres guacamole dip yum!

PS : Barry, I really don't like you that much.

PSS : Thank God I did not join for the karaoke. I would have.... something would have happened to me lah. :P

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I Had A Dream... and I want the new KoKo Krunch!

... and it went something like this.

The scene opens at a certain carpark, after a recording of Muzik-Muzik. Was chilling with Jaclyn Victor and some others (not too sure who lah kan) and an ex-member of Elite who had just previewed her latest track.

For some odd reason I was giving it to her nicely. Bitching about her lack of vocal capabilities and I made Jac sing her song and pointed out... "Look. She sings so much better than you".

And I ended up sleeping with the ex-Elite member. And there was a porn vid of that encounter. Broadcasted on YouTube and there was a charge of 80 cents a minute to view the vid.

Highly weird.

The next thing I knew, I was in the car with Aaron, Mira and 'X' (can't remember who it was, just that I knew the person quite well). We were driving around just doing the usual, and I kept insisting to them that I needed to get back to my car as I had an assignment to finish up.

They dilly-dallied. Nicely.

After numerous attempts at begging and pleading, they gave each other a look and then *with a nasty tone* said to me;

"Look, we don't know how to tell you this, and we can't pretend anymore. Honestly, we just don't like you!"

I woke up just about then. Traumatised.

I looked at my watch. SHIT! Its almost 3am!!! And I missed the Frangi sesh!

So I proceeded with Plan B. Khairena's.

Really ah people... don't like me ke? :(


Then yesterday, I met up with Aaron, Dean, Eddie and Nazieb @ News KTV Ampang. Had a nice drunken karaoke session before their interview @ KL.fm. Must say, alcohol breaks the ice. In more ways than one *ekekekekek*

Gawd knows how Aaron and I managed to find our way to Ezra's place after. Even managed to stop by the 7-11 near Pantai for mixers and food! Forgot Ezra's fags. LoL!

Crashed at Ezra's. Mira came along later. We watched 'Grandma's Boy' and laughed like mad cows. Laughed even harder when a certain someone decided to display his many multiple personalities. This is for you Datin, Nyah, Aunty! ekekekke!

All slept off for a couple of hours after consuming a lot of McDonalds. (Mira, the delivery boy now knows!!)

Woke up in a daze and once again, I marvel at our resilience. How we found the cars and got ourselves back home I dunno.

All I know is that, the bed looked oh sooooo fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!

And it still does? S.S.A....

(but perhaps I should go check on the temperature of the milk. Can't eat cereals with room temperature milk. KoKo Krunch just doesn't taste the same without ice cold milk.)

Which reminds me, has anyone tried the new KoKo Krunch with the white chocolate pieces?

p.s Just had the kokokrunch with 'lukecold' milk. bleargh.

Friday, July 6, 2007


Wow, it seems that I've been gone THAT long. Supposedly our other beloved writer should be gone, with work piling up. But instead, this lazy cunt is lazing away like a fucking cunt. Oh dear.

Haha. What happened to all the food I've eaten? Psst : The other day, my faeces was red, because I ate lots and lots of the red colored Dragon Fruit. Haha. I thought I was sick.

Happy belated birthday to Karan! And happy birthday to Fizul. Yesterday, was madness.

And yes, I am so in love. I think his name is Khairil. ^_^

PS: I'm so blank, I don't know what to write. Thanks to Alis, I think I'm still stilnox-ed!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Of my Haunted Room.

I'm beginning to think that my room is haunted...

Its either that or... I have some medical condition which wakes me up at night, half paralyzed with fear and breaking out into cold sweat.

There are shadows that dance eerily across the walls, and also a door that seems to open itself. Yup, its locked.

Then there's also that crushing, helpless feeling, and my arms are always gripped tightly on the bars of the metal headrest. I can't unclench my fingers, to ward of those shadows that seem to form indistinct, blurred white faces atop a black fuzzy body. No discernable features. They seem to always like to rush up and stare me in the face. And also have the audacity to sit on my chest.

At times they seem to take form of a small, greyish black gingerbread man type figures that dart about the room just being annoying. My phone, which was lying on the floor, managed to get itself dragged about a foot away from its original position. The computer table rolls itself from left to right. And there is this annoying clicking sound that just won't go away.

Very stressful. Can't open my mouth to say a word, or to scream in terror. Can't flail my arms in self defense when those eerie faces swoop for what seems like a passionate kiss. Not forgetting the years ago episode where I was dragged down the bed seemingly by some unseen force.

What bitches. Rendering me helpless.

But there's one good thing about it though. I began praying more.

Which just makes me think that this is all a figment of my very wild imagination. A classic case of Catholic guilt manifesting itself in a mysterious way.

Unless of course...

Who you gonna call?

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Of nerves and sleepless nites..

Choices made... hrmmm...

How lah wei. Its 2.40am. Have to up at 7.00am. Sleep is the last thing on my mind.

Think its just nerves getting the better of me. Tried reading John Grisham to put me to sleep, but should know by now tht he is never one to tht. Half the book has passed, and yes, these eyes are still wide open.

Malaysian Institute of Management.

Here I come, eye bags and all.

Wish me luck!

Menu for today

Nasi goreng kampung + teh o ais.

Chicken rice + water + coke.

One nugget and a bite of Aaron's Chicken Mcdeluxe. A spoon or two of a Hot Fudge Sundae. A Cool Blue McFizz.

A handfull of crackers.