Thursday, July 12, 2007

2002, was it?

Here I am again, got myself addicted to AstroMUD, AGAIN, for the, 19862th time in my life. Before it gets dangerous, I have to stop somewhere. But my remort quest is on the way. Yes, I'm hooked with this. And how do I know this? Because it has been 2 days, that I stayed home, and was engaging myself in this game! Because a guy from Netherlands helped me out. And he said he wants to marry me because it is cheap to live in Malaysia. Haha. He's a hero. Wait, I mean heroine. Hehe. Oh well, and through out the night, the heroes and heroines got me equipped with great equipment and I think I'm all set for my quest! Haha. So basically, today, I got lost, got killed by Jupiter in the Fourth Dimension, reached level 50, requested for my 2nd remort and not naked anymore, even a little bit. And so, to get myself prepared, I tried asking around for the AstroMUD direction file, so it would be easier for me. And came across their website, and saw my profile. Haha. I think that was edited in 2002 or so. Hence the title of this entry. Haha. And it was so long ago, that I was actually married to Legolas. I have a very blur memory of him. But it must have been good. I think I married lots of them. And I remember marrying Brad too. And he's still around. Hooray! Check out,

Talking about this game, I met someone, whom I know IRL (in real life). And I didn't know it was him. Ironic isn't it? It's Jo Han from college, we were classmates. And only started talking IRL because we met on Astro. Weird huh? Oh, I need to go to the supermarket, and buy a nametag that says, "Hi, I'm a nerd. Will you be my friend?" God, what a nerd I'm turning into. Hoh! But then, with this trait of mine, I shall be eligible to join the Geekz! Haha. I'm no hacker, though I wish to be one, but hey, I play a text based game without graphics. That must be WEIRD.

Anywho, I went for my 2nd interview today in Marcus Evans. And it sucked real bad. Really bad, I wanted to turn to my naggy self. And in the end I didn't. And, fortunately, I am given another chance, so I am to go through their training and sit for their exam next week. Training starts at 9.30am till 5.30pm from Monday till Wednesday, and if I get through the exam on Wednesday, I start immediately on Thursday. Isn't that great? And all I thought was that, takde jodoh to work with them, and wanted to sedapkan hati, I said to myself that if I don't get this job, means I am suppose to try harder with KRU. Hehe.

And correction! It is not Khairil, it is Khalil. K H A L I L. Thanks. Hehe. There is no updates in the K sector, though I see below, there's been progress with the R sector. Work it Naggy 1. Work it!

*Correction!* It ain't Naggy 2, it's Naggy 7.

Naggy 7 to Naggy 1, the grass should be greener on the other side. I shall wait till I get to the other side. Please spread the news, all naggys are required to attend this roadtrip to the otherside. Thank you. Over and out.

PS: Naggy 7 is wondering what will all the naggys, potential naggys, friends of naggys, potential flirts for naggys will do in the week of the 7th of August. ;)

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