Saturday, July 7, 2007

I Had A Dream... and I want the new KoKo Krunch!

... and it went something like this.

The scene opens at a certain carpark, after a recording of Muzik-Muzik. Was chilling with Jaclyn Victor and some others (not too sure who lah kan) and an ex-member of Elite who had just previewed her latest track.

For some odd reason I was giving it to her nicely. Bitching about her lack of vocal capabilities and I made Jac sing her song and pointed out... "Look. She sings so much better than you".

And I ended up sleeping with the ex-Elite member. And there was a porn vid of that encounter. Broadcasted on YouTube and there was a charge of 80 cents a minute to view the vid.

Highly weird.

The next thing I knew, I was in the car with Aaron, Mira and 'X' (can't remember who it was, just that I knew the person quite well). We were driving around just doing the usual, and I kept insisting to them that I needed to get back to my car as I had an assignment to finish up.

They dilly-dallied. Nicely.

After numerous attempts at begging and pleading, they gave each other a look and then *with a nasty tone* said to me;

"Look, we don't know how to tell you this, and we can't pretend anymore. Honestly, we just don't like you!"

I woke up just about then. Traumatised.

I looked at my watch. SHIT! Its almost 3am!!! And I missed the Frangi sesh!

So I proceeded with Plan B. Khairena's.

Really ah people... don't like me ke? :(


Then yesterday, I met up with Aaron, Dean, Eddie and Nazieb @ News KTV Ampang. Had a nice drunken karaoke session before their interview @ Must say, alcohol breaks the ice. In more ways than one *ekekekekek*

Gawd knows how Aaron and I managed to find our way to Ezra's place after. Even managed to stop by the 7-11 near Pantai for mixers and food! Forgot Ezra's fags. LoL!

Crashed at Ezra's. Mira came along later. We watched 'Grandma's Boy' and laughed like mad cows. Laughed even harder when a certain someone decided to display his many multiple personalities. This is for you Datin, Nyah, Aunty! ekekekke!

All slept off for a couple of hours after consuming a lot of McDonalds. (Mira, the delivery boy now knows!!)

Woke up in a daze and once again, I marvel at our resilience. How we found the cars and got ourselves back home I dunno.

All I know is that, the bed looked oh sooooo fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!

And it still does? S.S.A....

(but perhaps I should go check on the temperature of the milk. Can't eat cereals with room temperature milk. KoKo Krunch just doesn't taste the same without ice cold milk.)

Which reminds me, has anyone tried the new KoKo Krunch with the white chocolate pieces?

p.s Just had the kokokrunch with 'lukecold' milk. bleargh.

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