Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Food and Fone!

It certainly has been quite a number of days since I updated the blog. No, I have not been starving myself. Eating has continued as normal, more or less.

Had a twin tenderloin steak (well done) with a glass of wine last night @ Eden in celebration of my parents 30th Wedding Anniversary. That didn't go without a hitch though; was insisting that I should go home first before the dinner to freshen up by Stace refused. That ended with us having a blazing row in front of Subang Parade and me walking off to get a cab.

(Trust Kak Ani to pull a stunt like that. But I had my reasons. And they become more valid everyday.)

To tell you the truth it wasn't all that great. Wrigleys should take note though - kalah chewing gum their beef. Serious. But I finished it anyhows. Downed a glass of wine and scuttled off to get cracking on my next article.

Today started off with a tuna sandwich and my cuppa coffee. And then the amazing Sarimas nasi lemak. I swear... they have fine tuned their sambal recipe to perfection. Pedas but schweet. Had two servings; the second helping was served after the monthly GT (get together). Not to forget, my fav Maggi Cup - le TomYam flavor! Which, incidentally, was given to me by my Head (a six pack) as a cute welcome aboard gift! Thanks Doc B!! :) She knows how I love my food :)

I received a call from my Dad earlier on in the afternoon bearing wonderful news. What was it? Aaahhh... evidently he was @ a phone shop and decided to get a new phone for me! Inititally he asked whether I wanted the same model as what Stace purchased a month back (a Samsung something), but I requested for a slidey-type Nokia (so user-friendly). After many phone calls and a quick browse through Nokia.com, I settled on the Nokia 6300. Beautifullllll! So here I am blogging away whilst casting adoring glances at my new phone :) So pretty. Think I'll name it Kak Ani.
Hah! Mira just texted! Figures that she was the first person I texted and the first message I received. (Am trying to figure out why that sentence sounds so weird but really couldn't be bothered to think and rewrite.)
Anyhows, feel a bit sick-ish. Think I shall stop here and GelCream. Bed looks sooo invitinggg....

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