Sunday, July 8, 2007


Hrm, with the help of TAB button, I was able to put a title to this entry. It was either IE or the Blog, I think someone doesn't want my entry to have a title. Ya ya. Whatever.

Having to read back the exciting entries written by our other writer, aku rasa tercabar. Haha! Neh. I'm just quite excited now. Yes, it is 7.36am in the morning.

Lets review somethings. The cigarette price has gone up to a RM8.20 for a pack of 20s. The government really want us to smoke something else more worthit rather than expensive cigarettes. That's the way to go Malaysia! Malaysia boleh!

I was so bored earlier, since Barry decided to go to bed early (yes, working man). And I got caught up, all over again, with Astro MUD, and met back with Brad, my long lost friend from MUD. I remember, recently I talked to Darkness (can't remember his name), and he definitely has forgotten who I am, and introduced me to a new MUD server. But I guess, I'm just too familiar with Astro, and have been playing there for the longest time and I think they wiped for so many times. But after that long, thank god, the character that I've been saving was still around, my remort. Phew. But what got me excited was that, Brad actually remembers me, and I got his new MSN id. Woot! Okay, the clan I'm in, DusK, is quite dead now. And one of the former leader just left the clan and went to somewhere else. And none of the DusKians always online anyway. But hey, I'd rather be in any clan rather than not. Atleast there's a family. Haha! But whatever it is, today, a HEROINE actually talked to me. Not sure if it's a he or a she, but she was supposedly a female nicked Athena. You know how these games are, male, female, girly nicks, macho tricks, whatever. In the end, IRL, it's different. Well, we chatted a bit, and she is from Netherlands. Wow. Ok la. Enough about that.

Continuation to the connection with the title. On the 6th of July, it was Fizul's 27th birthday. Somewhat, brother. And Ijam's 26th birthday. Nope, not brother. And Ain's 20th birthday, my niece. And on the 7th, it was my brother's birthday, who actually dropped the keys in the longkang just hours ago. Haha. Well, happy birthday guys!

Yes, on Fizul's birthday eve, we had a celebration, somewhat. He had a show in Laundry, and the OAG family got pissed drunk. I wasn't. :P Correction on my earlier verbal declaration, I do it on occasions. And yea, I think I should stop smoking too!

And on my brother's birthday, Dad bought us good food, it was steaks. That's how we do it. We don't go out, but we bring it home. And yes, I had the RIB EYE. And it was marvellous. And mind you, before that steak, I had 2 bowls of Kuey Teow/Mee Hoon Soup. Ahaha. And of course, not forgetting the things I had at Ezra's, yes, 2 packets of Peanut Butter Biscuits, 2 pieces of McD Chicken, 1 piece of Nugget (Ezra finished the rest of the 9 pieces, yes), large Coke, soggy Fries, and 1 nice melted Chocolate Sundae. And yes, I got home, and went through the non-sleeping sickness, and in the morning, (not caring of the time), ate the left over of Mother's 3/4 steak, and the rest of the thing that comes with the steak. Yups. The meat now are rotting in my bowel.

Regardless of that, after knowing the existance of this Koko Crunch, god-damnit! I want some! And yes, I still do have space for those. Because yesterday, I only had 3 pieces of KFC chicken and some mashies. (I think, can't remember!!)

And whatever it is, I shall go get some rest now. I shall continue my food fest later. (Must ask Mom to buy Koko Krunch!) And probably do some sneaking in, during our conquest for Transformers on IMAX in Berjaya Times Square. Come guys, let's go crazy!

Oh ya! And I have an interview tomorrow with Marcus Evans. They sound like quite a good company, and I love their working days and hours. And the seem to promise some good money! Apparently there is going to be 4 interviews. 1, through the phone, and the rest, real interviews. I'm scared, cause, through the phone, it was quite, WTF, cause I laughed, she laughed, and I was babbling, and most of the time, I said "I don't know" or "That's just it" But wish me luck, ANYWAY. I need a job. Eventhough I really really really want to work with KRU. Argh. Till then. Adios muchachos nachos libres guacamole dip yum!

PS : Barry, I really don't like you that much.

PSS : Thank God I did not join for the karaoke. I would have.... something would have happened to me lah. :P

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