Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The after effects of the damned petrol price increase.

Ok fine. So they HAD to increase the price of petrol to RM2.70. Urgh.

In order for me not to feel the almighty pinch, I have decided to then cut cost everywhere I can. Am gonna try to list down as much (as this rather fried brain can remember) of my daily / weekly / monthly expenditure and see where I can economise.

Daily expenses:

  1. Breakfast pt 2. (can range anywhere between RM2 - Rm3)
  2. Lunch (between RM6- RM7)
  3. Fags (RM8.20)
  4. Dinner (RM5- RM10)
  5. Petrol (Rm7.50)
  6. Toll (RM3.20)

  1. Karaoke - How to estimate? Depending on the number of people who join in, it can range from RM20 - RM50
Ok, malas to count more. Basically the things I spend on are necessities! I already made a decision to purchase more 'house brands' as much as I can. Went to Watsons after work to get myself some hair taming solutions (aka gel) and I compared the price of my usual Mandom gel vs the Watsons brand... RM5 difference! That surely can be added to the karaoke fund!

Noone touches my karaoke fund!

Ok, I suffose the breakfast pt. 2 jazz can be cut out (will be good for my waistline too!), and so can the unnecessary dinners after work. Can always eat at home and catch up with the boys n girls during the weekend. So thats a saving of (RM3 x 5 = RM15, RM10 x 5 = 50) so all in all a RM65 saving per week! In addition to the saving of RM5 from switching gel brands...
I really dread exchanging my Olay Total Effects with a house brand...

RM70 savings to the karaoke fund.

So thats RM70 saved. In a perfect world I would be able to cut out on the cigarettes (RM8.20 x 7 x 4 = RM229. something!).

So, if I add up all the savings done per month... it would come up to RM300! But I'm somewhat realistic, and I know the cutting out of cigarettes will take more than a petrol price increase.

Dunno la. Am a bit tired now, juggling all these figures. Perhaps thats enough for today. Will brood on it and return tomorrow with a fresh set of figures.

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