Monday, June 25, 2007

Food, the only thing that can make us happy.

Somehow, I just want to relate everything with food. Because I'm so-darn close to food, it's always there in my life. Hoh. Example, when I go through dramas, oh so-painful dramas, I turn to food. The only thing that makes me happy at the end of the day. Of course, with the help of what the title of the blog says. Hehe. Nagsters. We nagsters. Okay, do understand that it is 8.40am in the morning, and I haven't slept yet.

I agree, dramas, all over the place. It's accessively conquering us everytime, one after another. We can't run from it, can't hide from it, can't do anything other than just facing it. Truth hurts, no doubt in that. But somehow or rather, after catering to all the emotional baggage that one must go through in a post-drama, everything will be fine after. Infact, sometimes, it doesn't matter at all! Take it from me, I know. Hehe.

But hell, talking about dramas, it has been one hell of a week, I must say. Or should I say, it has been weeks of hell, or maybe, month! Heh. With mine, yours, his, her, theirs, everyone's!

But think this, HAPPY FATTY THOUGHTS! It will bring you back on track.

Plus, I ain't stating what I had today, or days before. Let it be a secret.

Don't you think it's funny, how some people can say, "You healed pretty fast!" Haha. I know I'm a bad liar, but still, I do think about it, but I guess, as time passes by, it matters less and less. Thank God I didn't fall hard enough to slit my wrist.

So here I go again, we have the rights to feel what we feel. So cater to it, for a better soul. (Ceh, now look whos talking wei!)

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