Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Out of track.

Hoh. I'm currently in the office. Infront of the PC, without anything to do. Today is just another boring day. And having nothing to do, doesn't help to take my mind off things/someone. Boohoohoo.

Here's a secret, for the first time today, after a very long time, just by the mere thought of him, I felt my heart pumps great amount of blood all over my body. Basically, I just felt that my heart was so healthy, that it actually grew bigger, as big as my chest. And, this has not happen for the longest time. I think the last time I felt that, was when I was on cloud 9, with a former lover. That was almost 3 years ago. Woo. And it really shouldn't mean anything at all (the relationship, I mean). Hehe.

Oh well. But what's weird now, is that I've never met this person before, nor that our horoscopes match, or anything that is necessary to make it real. The only real thing is, we chat with each other every day, talk about everything that matters in the world, and sometimes just nonsense of the nonsense, but yet, resulted me to become like this. Totally bogus. : And it sucks, knowing that we have a great connection with each other, via virtual world (somewhat), so great that it's impossible to think that it is real. And it will never go anywhere, but just here. Starts here and ends here. :(

But the point of me writing a blog entry is not because of that. I am bored. Hence, me checking out http://www.tickle.com. One of my all time favourite sites. Though I don't go there every day. :) And so, I was doing some new tests and looking at the old tests I've taken. And it looks like, I have really lost myself! Haha!

March 20, 2003
Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist? Your score: Pretty Optimistic
Are You a People Pleaser? Your score: A Giver and a Taker
Are You a Slacker? Your score: Bit of a Procrastinator
Are You Evil? Your score: Almost Angelic
Are You Naughty or Nice? Your score: Pretty Tame
What Are You Afraid Of? Your score: being unsafe
The Sexual Turn On Test Your score: Personality-Environment
What Kind of Kisser Are You? Your score: Bashful Kisser
What Kind of Party Legend Are You? Your score: Wild
What Type of Flirt Are You? Your score: Silly

January 28, 2004
What's Your Best Quality? Your score: Intelligent

April 1, 2004
Are You Fit to Commit? Your score: Total Low

April 8, 2004
What Are You Looking for in a Relationship? Your score: Soul Mate

February 13, 2005
What Type Are You? Your score: Guys Girl
Do You Follow Your Heart or Your Head? Your score: Head-Strong Romantic

October 28, 2005
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? Your score: Steady Supporter
The Relationship Satisfaction Test Your score: Settling for Less
Why Are You Still Single? Your score: Don't Want To Get Hurt
Are You Fit to Commit? Your score: fit to commit because you know what you want

April 20, 2006
Who's the Man of Your Dreams? Your score: A Rebel with a Cause
Who Catches Your Eye? Your score: Class Clown

December 27, 2006
Is He Marriage Material? Your score: Mr. Right for Now
Is He "The One"? Your score: A Close Call
What's Your Love Story? Your score: Love Conquers All
Which Relationship Is Right for You? Your score: Steady Comfort

Haha. Just like to share. :)

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I'm out of words. Because it seems that Barry has so many things to say. Huhu. And here I am, stating something, which I am not quite sure what.

Well, I'm somewhat content, full of desire and hungry for excitement. Hoh! :)

Sunday, August 12, 2007


As I munched on my sausage sandwich this morning, I pondered on the results of Last nights' results for IKON ASEAN.

Country - Philippines
Won - Everything.
Why - Hell knows.

Fine. Thats' just me being bitter. To a certain extent, their band 'Kjawn' really did perform well. Bar the mumbling lead vocalist, the music was tight, and for a non-rock fan like to bop my head along, they really must be doing something right.

But Vina Morales? I think it was all about her butt and breasts. Admittedly, she did sing well, not outstanding (there seemed to be notes she was dreaming of reaching during Pang Ako Saiyo) but the important thing was she enunciated really well, and she lived the song. And for her second number she wowed the audience by being flipped left, right and centre (gimmicks but hey, part and parcel of good showmanship) and dancing up a storm but still managing to not sound breathless.

So, if showmanship was the benchmark, OAG should have wiped the floor with their competitors! Teir music is infectious, Radhi never sounded better and with his trademark zany onstage persona (which is not really any different from his man-on-the-street one for that matter), they seemed to be clear favorites to win the sought after title! What happened there? Accordingto a friend, they made a number of mistakes in the first number. I myself did not notice I have to admit. Will watch the replay on YouTube and listen out for them.

Now, lets move on to Jaclyn Victor. For me this lady can do no wrong. But after watching Vina last night, the only thing Miss Victor needs is a great dance instructor. Vocally, they're about almost an even match, JV has a wider range and does the soul thing ever so well; whereas Vina has a deeper, 'full bodied' voice. Admittedly I AM BIASED, so Jac wins here. Her Gemilang was indeed very Gemilang.

To cut a long story short (have to shoot off to work) I am indeed highly disappointed that Jac and OAG didn't make. For so many reasons. We still love you guys though.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Shits up! Got the flu. But still managed to eat enough for a zoo. How do i do this?
No wonder he says my face is round lol!
Ah well, be thankful for the fact that I can eat.
Not many people can say the same huh?

Thanks to Mira, I was inspired to write the following...

There's something bout the way your lashes
Frames your deeply expressive eyes
Its hard for me to look into
And that I don't wonder why

I know you catch me when I stare
But really darlin I don't care
There is something I need to share
But if I do will you still be there?

I don't want to fall just to make me feel alive
But I'm setting myself way up high
I falter with each step I take
The closer I get, the harder it gets to break... my fall...
I want to pick up the phone
But will you answer my call?

They know it just as well as I do
From the way I talk, everything is about you
But i'll still stay in denial
Will refuse to give it a trial
Maybe when the time is right
Maybe then but not tonight...

It sounds strange but what I really want most
Is nothing more than just to hold you close...

Monday, August 6, 2007


Wishing my great budd MIRA a very happy 22nd Birthday!
Many happy returns of the day!
Go enjoy!
Your present soon!

Here's an IOU.

Print this out and see a forest disappear.

Love ya huns!


Thursday, August 2, 2007

A piece by Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head down when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for that doubting too
If you can wait and not be tired of waiting
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies
Or being hated, don't give way to hating
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise
If you can talk to crowds and keep your virtue
Or walk with Kings - but not lose the common touch
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you
If all men count with you, but none too much
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds worth of distance run
Yours is the earth and everything thats in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!